Three Things You Should Know Before Getting Same-Day Dental Implants

Getting dental implants is typically a months-long process. Technology has advanced so much, however, that you can now have dental implants installed the same day and start using them right away. Before you rush to make an appointment, though, here are three important things you need to know about the procedure. Everything Is Done the Same Day Same-day dental implants save massive amounts of time, but the procedure is only able to do that because everything involved with it is done in one appointment. [Read More]

Bumpy Teeth Since Childhood? It's Not Your Fault.

Most people have smooth but porous teeth. However, some people have noticeable pits and bumps on the surface of their teeth. If your teeth are like this and have been for as long as you can remember, it's understandable if you're not happy about it. The good news is, this condition isn't your fault, and there is a fix for it. Read on to learn about both of these things. [Read More]

Correctable Reasons That Can Delay Your Dental Implant Surgery

Even though a dental implant may be the best option to restore your tooth, a dentist may have to postpone the implant surgery. Here are a few correctable reasons that the placement of your dental implant may be delayed.  Your Jawbone Needs to Be Thickened The bone of the jaw must be thick and strong to properly receive a dental implant. If the bone is too thin or frail, the implant can damage the jawbone significantly and will be unable to integrate with the bone tissue. [Read More]

Common Dental Misconceptions

Taking care of your teeth means that you have to know the difference between reality and misconceptions. If you have questions about proper dental care, discuss your concerns with your general dentist because failing to maintain good oral hygiene practices may cause damage to your teeth and gums. Here are some common dental misconceptions you should know about. Diet Soft Drinks Are Good For Your Teeth While diet soft drinks are sugar-free, they are very acidic and can raise your risk for enamel erosion. [Read More]