A Crown Can Help You With A Problem Tooth

If you have a tooth that is causing you a lot of problems, you should go see your dentist. They can take a look at it and tell you what's going on with it. One thing that they may recommend is that you get a root canal and then a crown put over the problem tooth. That way it looks and functions like your old tooth. But what does getting a crown entail? [Read More]

Dealing With Dental Phobias

If you have a hard time getting in to see the dentist due to a dental phobia, then you really need to get past this. The longer you go with this phobia and the older you get while you neglect your teeth, the worse things can get for you and your mouth. It would be much better to go in for those routine exams and cleanings regularly than it will be to put them off out of fear until you get to the point where now you really do need to have something invasive and scary done to reverse the damages that your neglect has caused. [Read More]

Getting Your Fillings Fixed: Replacing Visible Metal Fillings

When you first got your fillings, it may have been easier or more affordable to get metal fillings. Unfortunately, metal fillings can be very noticeable, especially when they're used on front teeth. You may want to get your fillings replaced by more attractive porcelain composites, but there are some things that you should know. Many Metal Fillings Are "Temporary" Though metal fillings can last decades, they do degrade over time. A metal filling can crack or wear down, eventually leading to more decay inside of the tooth. [Read More]

Teeth Whitening And Smoking

Whether you are an active smoker or someone who has recently quit, you are probably aware of the fact that smoking can have a major impact on your health. Your dental health, in particular, can be impacted by smoking. Not only is smoking one of the main risk factors for periodontal or gum disease, but it can also lead to significant staining on your teeth as well as decay. These cosmetic changes to the teeth are one reason why current smokers and former smokers often seek out whitening treatments. [Read More]