Gum Disease And Stroke: What You Need To Know

According to the American Academy of Periodontology, around half the adult population of the United States now suffers from gum disease. With more than 60 million adults affected, gum disease is now one of the biggest health challenges in North America, and the condition is not just about oral health. Research shows that people with gum disease are at higher risk of other, more serious conditions, including heart disease and stroke. Learn how gum disease affects your body, and find out how this could lead to increased risk of stroke. [Read More]

4 Things Diabetics Need To Know About Dental Implants

Tooth loss is a common problem among diabetics. Studies have shown nearly one-third of diabetics are missing all of their teeth, and if you're one of them, you probably already know that dentures aren't an ideal replacement for your natural teeth. Dental implants are often considered the best way to replace missing teeth, so if you're looking to replace your dentures, here's what you need to know. Why are dental implants better than dentures? [Read More]

Restorative Dentistry: What Tooth Colored Fillings Are Right For Your Kids' Ages?

If your kids have cavities, you may think that the dentist will only use silver fillings to restore your children's teeth. Although silver fillings are the most common restorations for children's teeth, these types of fillings aren't the only options for your kids. The dentist can also use tooth colored fillings for your kids' dental restorations. All you need to do is choose the right tooth colored fillings for your kids' specific dental needs. [Read More]

Helping Your Children To Defeat Their Dental Fears

One of the most widespread fears experienced by children is a fear of the dentist. While this is recognized as part of growing up, it's important that you take steps to support your child in getting over their fear.  How Can Parents Help With Nervous Children? The best way in which parents can help their children get over their fear of the dentist is by acting as a great role model. [Read More]