Encouraging Good Dental Hygiene In Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder

For children with autism, dental hygiene can often be neglected. Many children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) don't recognize the importance of good dental hygiene, and for some, sensory issues related to tooth brushing or dental visits can be a major deterrent to good dental health care. If you have a child with ASD, here are some ways that you can help encourage good dental hygiene and keep their teeth healthy as they grow. [Read More]

5 Ways To Make Your Child Feel Safe At The Dentist

When it comes to your child, you don't want anything horrible to befall them. Even if your child has nothing to fear, there are plenty of things that may insight fear in him or her. Going to the pediatric dentist's office is one of those things. Imagine hearing, for the first time, that someone's going to examine your teeth! It sounds downright scary; in fact, some adults still experience a bit of fear while going into the dentist's office. [Read More]

5 Things You Need To Know About Oral Cancer Screenings

Cancer can develop anywhere inside your mouth, like on your tongue or on the roof of your mouth. It can be hard to get a good look inside your mouth, so you may not notice the changes in your mouth that can be signs of cancer. This is where your dentist comes in. Here are five things you need to know about oral cancer screenings.  Who gets oral cancer? Anyone can develop oral cancer, but it's more common in some groups of people than in others. [Read More]

How Your Dentist With Perfect Molds During The Crown Creation Process

If you crack a tooth or need a root canal, then you may also need a dental crown. Dental crowns are used to rebuild, reshape, and protect the teeth when they are too brittle or weak to be left alone. Usually, your dentist will advise for the placement of a porcelain device. Porcelain looks very similar to dental enamel, and a color guide will be used to make sure the crown matches the tone of the other teeth in the region. [Read More]