What Can Your Family Dentist Learn About Your Health From An Exam?

During a dental examination, your dentist will ask you a series of questions about your oral health and care. What you might not realize is that your dentist likely knows the answers to many of the questions simply from looking at your mouth. To help you understand just how revealing your mouth can be, here are a few things your dentist can discern from an examination.  You Were a Thumbsucker [Read More]

Oral Appliance Therapy Works Wonders For Obstructive Sleep Apnea

The Mayo Clinic warns of the seriousness of obstructive sleep apnea, which causes breathing difficulties while sleeping. They report that the condition occurs when the muscles in your throat periodically relax and then obstruct the airway. This lack of oxygen can be dangerous. It is important to make an appointment with your family dentist for oral appliance therapy if you spot such signs as snoring, nighttime sweats, fatigue during the daytime hours, or suddenly waking and gasping for a breath of air. [Read More]

The Six Required Steps For Dental Implant Installation

If you have decided that you want to replace your missing teeth with dental implants, then it is important that you know how the installation process works. While your implants themselves will likely be installed in one day, there is a multi-step process leading up to their final installation. To help you get a clear understanding of how the process works, here is some information on each of the six steps involved in installing dental implants: [Read More]

Taking Your Child To A Family Dentist: 3 Reasons It's Important To Monitor The Condition And Development Of Baby Teeth

Dental hygiene and condition plays an important part in everyone's lives. Improper dental development and growth can result in more serious and severe issues later on. As a result, it's vital that you remember to schedule regular dental visits and appointments for your child. The appointments should preferably be with the same dentist so that they have all of the records necessary to make an informed decision. You should see the first baby teeth emerge by the time that your child reaches 6 to 12 months of age, and their baby teeth should continue to erupt and develop until they are about 3 years old. [Read More]