Basement Cavity: How Your Tooth Roots Can Be Affected By Decay

You might already know that the outer layer of a tooth is called enamel. If you don't care for your teeth, that enamel can corrode. Without proper treatments, this tooth decay will work its way through the tooth to the nerve, causing extreme discomfort. At that late stage, a root canal may be mandatory, assuming the tooth can still be saved. Decay is often visible on a tooth's surface and is a sign you need to see your dentist right away. [Read More]

Different Types Of Braces And Their Functions

Braces are one way your orthodontist can improve the alignment of your teeth. Most people think of braces as complicated metal pieces, but that is only one kind. Depending on the condition of your teeth, you may have several options for braces. Here is more information about the different types of braces and aligners and their uses.  Traditional Metal Braces Metal braces are a long-standing treatment for teeth straightening. The good thing about these braces is that they are effective for a variety of issues. [Read More]

How To Decide Whether Sleep Dentistry Is Right For Your Child

Your child might feel anxious before going to see the dentist. One way to help your child feel calmer is through sleep dentistry. With the help of the proper sedatives, your child won't remember their trip to the dentist. But you might wonder what you should expect and whether anything about the procedure should make you worried. The Requirements When Using Sleep Dentistry   To ensure the procedure is safe, a dentist must have at least two trained professionals who can provide life-supporting services while administering the sedatives. [Read More]

Protecting Your Oral Health Against Gum Disease

Gum disease is a dental issue that will impact many people over the years. When a person is suffering from gum disease, they will need to be informed about what to expect from gum disease and the necessary treatments that correcting it will require. Gum Disease Should Not Be Take Lightly By Dental Patients Due to the fact that gum disease is relatively common, this can lead to individuals not taking the threat that it can pose seriously. [Read More]