2 Tips To Deal With Pain Caused By Tooth Squeeze Following A Dive

By now you may already know what tooth squeeze feels like. The pain caused by a tooth squeeze will subside on its own, but that usually takes time. A tooth squeeze usually results when air pockets form throughout your teeth and mouth while below water. When you surface, the pockets expand and place an extreme amount of pressure on these areas. This results in the intense pain that you are most likely feeling now. [Read More]

2 Tips For Scuba Diving With A Cracked Tooth

While making sure that your teeth remain healthy and in good condition is great for your overall appearance, it is also important if you want to dive without any discomfort. Damaged teeth can cause a number of problems if you decide to dive with them. Cracks are common issues when it comes to scuba diving. Your tooth may have a small hairline fracture, or the crack may be extremely noticeable. Regardless, scuba diving with a cracked tooth can result in the crack worsening during and well after your dive. [Read More]

The Effect Of Tongue Thrusting On Dental Development

Tongue thrusting is a relatively common--and potentially quite damaging--behavior in children. As its name would imply, it involves the thrusting out of the tongue from between the top and bottom teeth while eating, speaking, and even resting. Unfortunately, many parents fail to appreciate the perils of tongue thrusting, which can lead to the need for extensive dental or orthodontic interventions down the line. If you would like to learn more about the potential ramifications of this habit, keep reading. [Read More]

Three Habits To Help Fight Persistent Bad Breath

If you suffer from persistent bad breath that lingers even after you brush your teeth, you may be ashamed to talk to or even smile at other people. Luckily, you don't have to go on living like this! Here's a look at three simple habits that will help you fight your persistent bad breath. Brush or scrape your tongue. The same bacteria that live in the plaque on your teeth and are responsible for bad breath also live on your tongue. [Read More]