
3 Ways To Treat Your Teeth To Porcelain

Porcelain is a ceramic material that is often used in dental procedures because of its strength and durability as well as its resemblance to a natural tooth. The porcelain can be shaped and altered, making it just right for creating the illusion of a healthy, white tooth where a damaged tooth actually exists. Here are three ways dentists routinely use porcelain in treating oral problems and creating a bright, new smile for patients.

The Link Between Good Oral Health And Athletic Performance

Studies show that people with missing teeth are more likely to experience mental health issues like depression and anxiety. Other studies show that poor oral health can lead to other physical symptoms, but new research now suggests that your teeth and gums can affect physical performance, particularly in competitive sports. Learn more about the link between good dental health and peak performance, and find out why great athletes should also have great teeth.

What All Parents Should Know About Anodontia And Hypodontia

Anodontia may sound like a luxurious perfume, but it's actually a congenital dental condition. While anodontia and a similar disorder known as hypodontia are not life-threatening, they are conditions which often require intensive dental treatment. Thus, it's important that parents are aware that these conditions exist, so they know what to do and what to expect should they notice them in their children. What are Anodontia and Hypodontia? Anodontia is a condition in which a child is born without any adult teeth.

5 Unique Dental Routines Children Can Use To Have Healthy Mouths

Building up proper oral hygiene in children is important as they grow more independent and use these same habits as adults. Starting clean teeth routines as young as possible is the best way to supplement professional dental work and keep the mouth clean. Not only will these habits help eliminate excess bacteria, but it will help make a child feel more comfortable each time they visit the dentist. The following five routines are simple to implement at home and can all be made more enjoyable when a little fun is infused to the process.

Does Kissing Your Baby's Lips Cause Cavities?

When mothers hold their newborn babies, it is quite normal and natural for them to continuously kiss them. While this may seem like an innocent activity, kissing your baby could cause him or her to develop cavities. This occurs because of the bacteria you can spread to the child through your saliva, but there are ways to prevent this from happening. How Does This Happen? Every time you kiss your baby's lips, there is a chance that your saliva will get inside the child's mouth.

Smokeless Tobacco: An Emerging Cause Of Gum Disease In Teens

The relationship between smoking and gum disease is pretty well known. You've probably seen pictures of long-time smokers with gaping gums and missing teeth. More than likely, your teen has seen many of these images in anti-smoking campaigns around school and on television. Smoking is undoubtedly one of the worst things anyone can do for their gums (and for their overall health), but there is another concerning behavior popping up among teens: using smokeless tobacco.

3 Ways To Fight Gum Disease From The Inside

Having a strong genetic predisposition for gum disease or a chronic disease are risk factors that are beyond your control. If you know that you are at an increased risk of developing gum disease, in addition to regular dental visits, find ways to put the odds in your favor by reducing your risk with changes in your diet and lifestyle. Incorporate More Antioxidants Gum disease is a type of inflammation that mainly affects your gums, but in severe cases can affect your heart.

Overcoming A Fear Of Dental Appointments With Sedation Dentistry

While the majority of adults experience some level of anxiety about receiving dental care, up to ten percent have full-blown dental phobia. While regular dental appointments are essential to excellent oral health and most procedures do not cause pain, many adults and children still fear seeing their dentist. If the thought of going to the dentist fills you with apprehension, you should consider receiving oral health care from a dental practice that offers sedation dentistry.

Add Some Bling To Your Smile – Make Your Own Grillz At Home

Grillz, grills, or fronts are decorative covers that snap over one or more teeth. Mostly made of gold, and sometimes encrusted in jewels, grillz are removable and won't interfere with your daily oral hygiene routine. You also don't have to worry about harming your teeth, mouth, or gums when you wear grills. If you are concerned about your oral health, have a complete dental exam before you put a grill over your teeth.

Are Dental Implants Safe For Diabetic Patients? 3 Things You Should Know

Are you a diabetic who is considering getting dental implants? There are plenty of different opinions among dentists as to whether you are a viable candidate for implants if you have this health condition. In fact, you may get conflicting answers on whether or not you can get them depending on the personal views of the dentist you see for your consultation. So, what are you supposed to believe? While the decision of whether or not to get dental implants is ultimately up to you (and the dentist who is willing to give them to you), there are certain things you should know about diabetes and implants so you can make an informed choice.