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3 Ways To Treat Your Teeth To Porcelain

Porcelain is a ceramic material that is often used in dental procedures because of its strength and durability as well as its resemblance to a natural tooth. The porcelain can be shaped and altered, making it just right for creating the illusion of a healthy, white tooth where a damaged tooth actually exists. Here are three ways dentists routinely use porcelain in treating oral problems and creating a bright, new smile for patients. 


Porcelain is sometimes used in dental fillings because of its aesthetic qualities and strength. Porcelain can be used as the filling itself or can be wrapped around a metal filing, providing a natural look and a longer lasting filling than metal alone. This type of filling is not time consuming and can be created and shaped while you wait. 

Porcelain may also be used as an inlay or onlay on teeth with fillings. An onlay is a type of filling that can be placed around an entire tooth when all or most of the tooth has been damaged by decay. An inlay is used to fill a space inside the tooth when the structure of the tooth has been compromised due to decay or an injury to the mouth. Inlays and onlays are often used when an original filling has been lost or damaged. 


Porcelain crowns can restore the original function of a tooth that has been so structurally damaged that chewing has become a problem. The porcelain is molded into the shape needed and then placed over the original tooth. The crown is then held in place by a dental resin. 

Crowns can also be made of gold or metal, but porcelain crowns offer the advantage of looking like real teeth. The casual observer will not notice a porcelain crown. 


Porcelain veneers are a cosmetic treatment that can restore or improve a patient's smile. There are several reasons people choose to have porcelain veneers.

  • Veneers make teeth white, even if they have dark stains. The veneers are also resistant to stains that come from activities like smoking and drinking coffee, so your smile will stay white. 
  • Veneers can be used to reshape teeth that have become cracked or misshapen over time. They can also be made to change the shape of your teeth if you aren't happy with the way they are naturally shaped. Any chips or missing pieces can be filled in by the veneer.
  • Veneers can fill in gaps between teeth and can sometimes make crooked teeth appear straight. 
  • Veneers can create a smooth surface on teeth that have bumps or an uneven surface. 

Porcelain veneers are made from a very thin layer of porcelain that is attached to your natural teeth. The dentist must first grind away some of your original enamel so the veneers will adhere properly to your teeth. The veneers are then placed onto your teeth and held in place by a resin that is cured using a special light. 

The American Dental Association states that the procedure to place porcelain veneers on your teeth is considered irreversible because of the enamel that must be removed to properly attach the veneers to your original teeth. 

Many patients find that porcelain is the perfect material to be used in dental procedures, not only because of its natural look, but also because porcelain is easy to maintain. You can treat the porcelain in your mouth just as you would treat natural teeth with brushing, flossing and regular visits to the dentist. People who grind their teeth may have to wear a mouth guard to protect the porcelain and the original teeth. 

There are many reasons dentists use porcelain in professional procedures. Ask your dentist if this is the right material for you. 
