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4 Methods Specialists Use To Treat Sleep Apnea

Complaints about loud snoring from your spouse may be the first sign that you have sleep apnea. You might notice that you wake up abruptly in the middle of the night and, sometimes, severally. This happens when your airway intermittently closes, preventing you from breathing when asleep. It is a serious medical condition that requires urgent treatment. If you relate to these signs, consider visiting a service provider for one of the following sleep apnea treatments.

1. Night Mouth Guard 

This is an appliance that dentists recommend to treat sleep apnea. You may be advised to wear them every night when sleeping. The prosthetic repositions the jawbone to improve airway space and hold it open all night. The treatment significantly improves sleep quality and also prevents snoring. Specialists recommend this treatment if the condition is mild. 

2. Hypoglossal Nerve Stimulation 

Specialists usually place a device in the chest. The device stimulates the hypoglossal nerve to push the tongue and unblock the air for the way a few seconds for you to take a breath. They will give the incisions made in the chest enough time to heal before activating the device. 

You'll need to undergo various check-ups to ensure you are an ideal candidate for the treatment. Upper airway stimulation is a great treatment for moderate to severe symptoms. You may also need to see your dentist for appointments to ensure the device still works and fine-tune the stimulation. 

3. Weight Management 

Predisposing factors such as obesity and excessive weight could be the reason you have sleep apnea. When you have extra weight, the extra thick tissues in the throat area may block the airway, triggering sleep apnea. Specialists might recommend weight management as a way to control the condition. The experts might help you pick the best nutritional programs and exercises to reduce weight and alleviate sleep troubles. 

4. CPAP Therapy 

This treatment method uses a form of ventilator that offers the patient continuous airflow. The continuous air stream prevents the tissues around the airway from collapsing when sleeping. Modern machines have become more effective, smaller, and silent. Therefore, contact a specialist to see if the treatment suits your needs and situation. 

Sleep apnea is a manageable condition, as shown above. Finding a suitable treatment for the condition can improve your sleep and help you feel safe. Schedule an appointment with a dental care specialist to understand the treatment options and start your journey to overcoming sleep apnea.
